Including the use of big data, digital health, wearables and electronic health records in healthcare and research – is rapidly emerging and radically changing medical practice.
Despite impressive experimental results, concrete AI implementation in routine patient care is not yet common practice. Innovative ideas strand due to a lack of support systems and knowledge in valorisation and business development within higher education institutions (HEIs). For an innovative concept to mature through the complete innovation funnel, knowledge and support is required with respect to legal, ethical, financial and business-case-building aspects.

The main objective of innovAId is to increase the innovation and entrepreneurial capacity within the University Medical Center Utrecht, Medical University Gdansk, PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lisbon School of Nursing and the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The project aims to do this by developing and strengthening the ecosystem surrounding digital health innovation in the four European regions where the HEIs are located. These HEIs are supported by the company AI4MED and the start-up incubator UtrechtInc.



End event InnovAId

Get ready for a day full of discussions and knowledge sharing regarding change in the digital health era!

17/11/2023 – 18/11/2023 Hackathon InnovAId

The Hackathon is fostering collaboration, driving innovation, and promoting entrepreneurship in the healthcare domain.

17/11/2023 – 19/11/2023
Hackathon FarU

Diverse thematic tracks and interdisciplinary teams. Three days of intensive work under the supervision of trainers, mentors and domain experts.

Pitch Please

In just 8 hours, you will master the art of brainstorming innovative business ideas, perfect your pitching skills, and collaborate effectively within a team. 

24/10/2023 – 27/10/2023

Sikorsky Challenge 2023 – InnovAId

Competition of Innovative Startup Projects Sikorsky Challenge 2023.


InnovAId 3rd Multiplier Event

We can see that potential of AI in healthcare is still not fully utilised. We want to understand why and change it!

Lisboa 2nd Multiplier Event

Multiplier event to discuss the innovative
digital transformation of education and

31/05/2023 – 01/06/2023
IVAP Workshop

The launch event for the HEI Cohort 3 Projects
which is anchored to the EIT’s Deep Tech Talent Initiative.

From clinical need to product

Artificial intelligence in oncology. How are new tools for targeted medicine being developed? …………………………

INNOVAID Multiplier Event

Good practices in entrepreneurial
education, including female entrepreneurship.

Match Making Event NL

InnovAId collaborates in the Dutch NLAI coalition match making event of November 24th.


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