InnovAId workshop: From clinical need to product

The aim of the consortium, which also includes the Medical University of Gdansk, is to create a European scientific platform integrating radiological research with clinical data based on next-generation artificial intelligence for targeted medicine in oncology. The result of cooperation between scientists and clinicians within the ‘EuCanImage’ project will be recommendations and guidelines for the construction and verification of artificial intelligence, that can become the basis for the creation of a system supporting diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in selected cancers in accordance with the idea of precision and personalised medicine.

What does the work of such a project look like? What are the various stages of designing and implementing innovative solutions in the field of digital health? Dr Maciej Bobowicz from the Chair and Department of Oncological Surgery at the Medical University of Gdansk (MUG), an enthusiast for the responsible use of the potential of artificial intelligence in medicine, with particular emphasis on cancer imaging, will tell participants at the May meeting of the InnovAId: From clinical need to product. Dr Bobowicz is the head of the clinical part of the research project ‘EuCanImage’, which is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 initiative.

Target audience of event: Students, PhD students, researchers
Contact details:
Date: 23/05/2023
Location: online
Title: From clinical need to product